The quest for Excellence is not only in academics , but also in all aspect, of school life . All students participate in a multi-dimensional curriculum.
Academics :-
The Academic programme provides intellectual simulation and curiosity rational thought and maturity of mind . Students are taught the value and equality of all subjects , and encouraged to pursue a mix of the sciences and arts.
Pre-School Educative :-
Nethaji School is a strong believer in the value of Pre-school education and has built up a very attractive nursery Department that caters for children form age three to five years.
Co-Curricular :-
Co-curricular activities is encourage personality development and draw out creativity and talents , and provide opportunities for leadership and character building , literary , cultural and artistic competitions are held regularly , and the school participates in a wide variety of competitions.
Computer Education :-
Computer education has made rapid strides and school has impressive computer department equipped with the best computers . All students class 1 to 8th std have computer education as an integral part of the curriculum.
Karate :-
Karate benefits kids at every aspect of their lives- physical , mental , spiritual and emotional . All students from class 1st to 10th std are taught karate.
The Arts :-
The performing and visual arts develop the aesthetic senses . Regular classes taught by trained teachers .
Community Service and Social work :-
Community service and social awareness programmes involve students participation in linkages with the community.
Value Education :-
Value education does not form a separate dimension of the curriculum but is integrally
Inter woven into the entire fabric of the curriculum .
Stress is always laid on developing a self disciplined approach to life and work , to have a discriminating mind , the courage to tread new paths, and to follow the dictates of ones own conscience even if it mean being different